Friday, December 28, 2007

Magic E-Book Marketing

Internet has its own rules that are different from the outside physical world. Unlike the virtual world the Viral marketing efforts are considered secondary for a wide scale marketing but in the world of internet Viral marketing rules. Talk about Google, nobody saw an ad for Google yet its most popular. Such is the force of Viral marketing. e Books like all other internet based products are extremely well marketed by such viral marketing methods.

Some methods to market your great ebook:

Viral marketing for your e book:

The first step will be to create great content. Once that is done the next step will be to provide your book with a Cover. The ebook cover should be done in all three sizes and should be kept in all possible file formats. Use any text management utility software for creating small ads for your use. Create small but effective action oriented ads targeting different customers or groups. Each with strong headlines will be used for different people.

Next step will be creating a Resource Page. Avoid calling the Link Page you make, a Link page. Create separate email setup for your Viral marketing offers.

Next you should do is contact all the webmaster who offer similar information/products etc on their websites and then try clubbing your book with their products. Maybe you could just attach bonus sample of shorter length to their products. That ways more people get to hear about your ebook.

Selling the ebook: For direct selling, create a fabulous Sales Page telling about your e book. Lots of research has been done into what approach sells best what words work etc. Read these researches and work on the Sales' Letter. Gradually put in your pitch and close the sale at end. Great headlines, a compelling copy and testimonials generally, mark a good Sales Letter. Ever body loves free gifts and a Sales Letter should offer one. This gift, if compliments the product you offer, will be great!!
Tip! Once you have gathered all of this information, you are ready to create your book marketing plan. If you are going to submit this plan to a prospective publisher, make sure to follow their guidelines, if necessary.

If possible try to attach sample pages also. They should be catchy informative and attractive. Understand that in a book store people read through the back pages preface etc. In case of your e book they can browse through the sample pages, get hooked and eventually buy it. Curiosity is always the best seller.

Part selling the ebook: In case your ebook can be divided in sets where in one set is independent or at least complete piece of information in itself consider selling it in parts also. That ways if somebody is interested din a part of the book he need not invest in whole book.
Tip! Your book marketing plan is what I describe as your map. It describes your book, what you will do after the book is completed and published.

Offline Selling: Keep some hard copies ready and make the ebook printing friendly for your offline customers.

Tweaking the ebook: Consider tweaking the ebook for different target groups. A crafts book can be turned to business book with small changes in the work. Market the book to different customers at a same time without much of effort.

Update the ebook: Prepare updates at equal intervals of time. This method will help you sell your book as an update version compliance with new data researches etc. Information intensive books are more valued when they have latest statistics.

Provision of free consulting: Keep a provision of free email/phone consulting open for the customers. This will make them more confident to purchase the product.

A good book sells well. Great content will sell itself but will take time to do that on its own. Above efforts on your part will make the work popular and will not only make money for you but will also help the readers gain knowledge and add value.
Tip! The second leg of book marketing is the interior and exterior design of the book. People do judge a book by its cover, so if you're not spending some money on getting an outstanding cover, you're losing sales.

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Copyright 2006 - Karl Glantschnig. Editor PMCezine... You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the link to our site URL remains active.

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